Tuesday, January 5, 2016

What is Moving to fast after Divorce?

Dating after Divorce

All of the books say don't rush things. Take it slow, don't get serious. But what does any of that mean? What is taking it slow?

I ment someone since my divorce and he makes me feel like never before, I've felt feelings so strong, I've never not thought about what happens if we don't work. Its still early but I don't have to hide myself from him, he can see the good, the bad and the ugly, but at the end of the I long for the day I can make him a home, and I never felt that way before. We both come from recent divorce and children, and were scared at first but with every pasing day our future builds stonger to us. But we aren't pushing things along they are just happening as they come.

I think the aftermath of Divorce is hard enough without rules for dating and making a future for yourself. So I am going to my feelings flow as they wish but not be blinded by rose colored glasses, and continue to live my life and if and when the day comes for him and I to make ou next move not just live in our happy little bliss I am going to move forward with my eyes wide open, and heart and sole embraced around the right Love.

So any Man or Woman who finds themselves in a similiar situation and are scared to let yourself; Try it wih your eyes open,I am not say move in or get married but feel the happy that come from the right kind of love, that is easy, and when you think of karma you think "damn what did I do so right for things to things to just fall into place, if you have kids and they do to and you on't want them to meet yet so you play on "If" it works out and everytime it does Sincerely thank Karma, she's on your side.  You certainly cannot see it but I smile with not just my lips anymore I smile with whole body and sole, so believe me Karma can be your best friend not just your enemy.

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